Tips for Finding and Giving the Perfect Unique Gift

Millie Chambers

Author & Co-founder

If there is someone in your life you care about immensely, then you’ll want to give them something special and unique for their birthday, Christmas or another important occasion. Sometimes choosing unique gifts can be challenging, especially if you’ve run out of gift ideas. In this article, we take a look at some tips that can help you select and find unique gifts for your loved ones. 

Give yourself lots of time

Rushing and leaving gift selections until the last minute will leave you with fewer choices and less time to find something special. If you’re looking for something unique and perfect for your recipient, then make sure to give yourself plenty of time to get the gift and plan out the delivery. One example of a really unique and special gift is a commissioned painting from an artist of something or someone special to the person you’re buying the gift for; these can take months to organise and arrange, so it's best to plan ahead. 

Buy things when you see them

If you regularly go out shopping and see things you think your family members or friends would love, you should buy them there and then. You will unlikely find the same gift again, especially if it's so unique to their taste. You can keep these gifts at home in storage until the next occasion. That way, you will always have something special to give to your friends and family when it comes to their birthday or another special occasion. Some people keep bags or boxes labelled with each of their friends' names; these boxes keep the gifts that are purchased throughout the year ready for the next occasion. This is also a great way to spread the cost of gift-giving throughout the year and remove the stress and last-minute rush. 

Pay attention and keep notes 

When you pay attention to what your loved ones say, you can often find ideas for perfect gifts. They might mention in passing that they’ve wanted to buy a special necklace or a bag but don’t currently have the money. Note down these things, and when it comes to their birthday planning, you can look at the notes and choose something they haven’t yet purchased. They will be delighted that you remembered and found something they really wanted. Just remember to make sure they are still interested in that item, and they haven’t already purchased one for themselves.

Choose the perfect gift box

Gifts can be more unique and special when using the right gift box. For example, a necklace gift box with a special message written on the inside of the box to the recipient. This will make the gift of the necklace extra special and unique; they’re likely to treasure the necklace and the gift box together. Gift boxes can be easily personalised with written messages or even things printed on the inside and outside. These extra touches go a long way to tell someone how much you care about them.

Browse independent creators 

There are many places, such as Etsy, where you can find people that sell numerous different types of gifts which can be personalised or created as one-of-a-kind items. These independent creators often make very special things that are completely unique and can’t be purchased anywhere else. You may pay slightly more for something from Etsy rather than buying from a large shop that sells in bulk, but you’re much more likely to get a unique and special gift. There is something for everyone, from non-functional items such as jewellery to clothing and paintings. Take a look; you never know what you might discover. 

Giving special and unique gifts is easy when you have enough time to prepare and plan. Always ensure you know upcoming occasions and avoid leaving things until the last minute. Taking advantage of opportunities when you see things can help if you forget about important occasions; this way, you will always have something on hand to give as a gift. Furthermore, make sure you listen and note down any gift ideas your friends or family mention, make your gifts extra special with the right gift box and consider unique websites such as Etsy for creative gift ideas.

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